Black Lagoon starts off with Okajima, a Japanese businessman being kidnapped by pirates. Okajima decides that he wants to team up with the pirates and abandon his life in Japan. The Lagoon company consists of Dutch, Benny and my favorite character, Revy. Black Lagoon is the trademark of bad company and badass people. Throughout the anime, they consistently maintain this atmosphere and that is perhaps what attracted me the most. As far as the story goes, it is based mostly on characters rather than what they pretentiously make you think you like it for: gunfights. What is it just me? Well, ah… I couldn’t care much about action than I care about dialogue and character. I can guarantee you that, both are made so fantastic that hell, the gunfights make up a small part of the show.

Revy is one badass chick and was mostly the only main character who gave Black Lagoon its ‘badass’ feel, because quite frankly everyone else was in just for the money but she just loved to beat the crap out the people first. Tonnes of cigarettes and alcohol, I don’t know how many times they have shown someone light a cigarette. But holy cow, they did it a lot of times. Every frigging person smokes and drinks like crazy, lol.  Honestly, that’s what keeps the feel of the show intact and I believe that’s just what people liked about this anime. Did I mention how often they use foul language, well people I am not trying to be a weeaboo here, just sayin’ it all comes in the package. But I am so glad they didn’t waste all that potential on anything related to sex (although I am a little surprised by that). You know, when you look at it, Hiroe Rei knew exactly what he was doing and added the right flavors at the right time.

I was randomly browsing the web, and no one failed to notice that something is definitely going on between Rock and Revy. Romance arc please! It’s way too perfect, I wouldn’t ask normally but I just can’t resist. While Rock thinks things out in a non-violent way, Revy resolves things by pulling out her gun(s). They are so different but they stick together. It’s so obvious that Revy likes him because she wouldn’t stick around otherwise. Well, that’s where we see the soft side of Revy.

I want to end this by saying that BL was one of the best anime I’ve watched, not too many flaws although there wasn’t much of a story. I enjoyed it, still. I would recommend this to anyone who likes things related to mafia, or just plain badass fighting and humor. Whatever, the choice is yours but Madhouse has certainly done a commendable job on this title.