A good movie that somehow I had never even heard of! I really wonder why 🤔

This is again a Studio Ghibli production with all the same vibes as their other movies. But throughout the movie, I wondered why no one ever mentions it. I found out about it by chance from a blog about memorable Ghibli films that I was going through at one point in time.

I can only guess why it didn’t get more popular, but since it’s just speculation I’ll keep it to myself 😏

Like a lot of Ghibli films, Porco Rosso has a bit of fantasy though I wouldn’t term it as a fantasy film. Since it’s the most obvious part of the movie, I’ll let you in on it: the protagonist is a 🐷 (bet you didn’t see that coming!)

But unlike most Ghibli films which can be watched and understood even by kids, this particular movie probably more enjoyable for teens and beyond. This could be one of the reasons to its lack of popularity.

The setting is quite laid back, which is kind of expected. But there are moments of ups and downs which is what adds complexity to the storyline and makes it eligible for rewatching.

In retrospect, I think there are more than a few things left unsaid regarding why the movie chooses to go down certain routes. You may realize it if you know what to look at. But I’ll say nothing more 🤐

With that, I’ll end my short review of this film. I very much think it deserves more recognition because all things aside it makes a good watch.